"Edelweiss Castle: Death of an Interviewer" by Gerhard Oberressl begins with an interview with the old Duke of Goodland, Joseph von Aybesford, who is a supporter of sustainable farming, and scion of a family that is the benevolent hub of a quiet agricultural province, Goodland. Duke Aybesford is ready to give the TV interview, but the reporter, with whom Joseph had made a deal to talk about his eco-concerns, falls ill and is replaced at the last minute. After several days, the reporter is found dead, and the search to uncover the truth about her murder begins.
The investigation is led by a detective from England named Etienne Friendly. The book is a murder mystery that introduces a collection of original men and women, among whom is a ruthless murderer - (or even two?), who is found out in the end by Etienne Friendly, with the help of the young princess and the castle administrator's son. The 500 year-old castle on top of the famous blue rock in Goodland is both the starting point and the destination of this novel, which features many facets of human behavior and people of several countries and continents.
All the talk of the town is about the old Duke of Goodland and Edelweiss Castle, as this was a taboo topic until the famous interview, and much of the investigation ends up revealing the romances and complex relationships amongst the rich and the service class.
"Edelweiss Castle: Death of an Interviewer" by Gerhard Oberressl is thoroughly European in its feel, not just because it's set in a fictional Austrian province, but because it's about the dynamics of old-world aristocracy, albeit in the modern age. It is a well-written, imaginative story that is action packed and full of twists and turns including terrific descriptions of the landscape and lifestyles of each character.